Something to think about....
Don't be afraid to be weak. Don't be too proud to be strong. You´re changing now and you´ll change later. The only comparison you have is yourself. You´re too smart to get caught up in what people say about you and everything else. Make up your own mind. And if you don´t know, if you´re not sure, that´s OK. You have the right to be wrong and you have the right to hesitate. But the choice must always be yours. Whenever you choose to choose. Just don´t blame yourself while waiting. Everybody makes mistakes, but nevertheless it´s often so, that people tend to only regret what they never did. No one´s perfect. Perfection is an illusion. That´s not my theory. That´s a fact.
Maid by me.
Maid by me.
Postat av: Danijela
Ideals are illusions. Perfection exists in each persons own views. In that way there are people and things that are seen perfect; individual interpretation. It's also the little things, building-blocks of life and creativity that make perfection honest and visible.
Postat av: Alvinklara
I see first time your site guys. I like you :)
Postat av: Ämmii
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