Håller han sig på sin kant eller om dig?
Det behövs någon som är kapabel att ge en det man behöver, och inte bara vad man ber om. För vad vinner man om man inte begär så mycket, eller ingenting alls? Man lär ju förlora helt säkert om man låter saker och ting bero. Men det är frestande att låta blicken säga mer än tusen fumliga ord och sen bara hoppas att man inte förlorar honom på vägen.
"Vad jag känner? Känner som i 'tycker om' och 'träffas bara du och jag'? Eller vill du bara höra att jag 'har roligt ihop med dig' för att inte ge intrycket av att jag hoppas på att du ska säga att du älskar mig i nästa mening? Hur skulle det funka om jag säger att jag inte har en jävla aning och är totalt förvirrad, men hoppas att vi åtminstone kan vara vänner för jag blir alltid så glad när jag ser dig och varm när du rör vid mig och kan inte sluta le när du ler mot mig och hoppas att ingen runt omkring ska förstå, för de skulle inte förstå vad vi har ihop, men vänta det här måste betyda att jag vill något mer fast jag vet inte vad, vad säger du? Snälla, säg att du känner likadant!"
Kommunikation och förståelse för den andre individen. Det har visat sig svårare än jag trott. Det är inte den andres känslor som är svåra att förstå, utan sina egna. Orden vill inte riktigt finna sig tillrätta i munnen. De missförstås så lätt om de kommer i fel ordning eller om några uteblir. Är det så konstigt att man fegar ur ibland? Eller att man förhastar sig när det plötsligt är någon som bryr sig? Fan, det måste vara bättre att säga något än ingenting alls.
Han som du vaknar bredvid, hur länge har han tänkt att stanna kvar? Håller han sig på sin kant eller om dig? Och varför skulle han stanna om du inte ber honom?
Merry Happy - Kate Nash
Watching me like you never watch no one
Don't tell me that you didn't try and check out my bum
Cause I know that you did
Cause your friend told me that you liked it
Gave me those pearls and I thought they were ugly
Though you try to tell me that you never loved me
I know that you did
'Cause you said it and you wrote it down
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt form you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
Sitting in restaurants
Thought we were so grown up
But I know now that we were not the people
That we turned out to be
Chatting on the phone
Can't take back those hours
But I won't regret
'Cause you can grow flowers
From where dirt used to be
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
Don't tell me that you didn't try and check out my bum
Cause I know that you did
Cause your friend told me that you liked it
Gave me those pearls and I thought they were ugly
Though you try to tell me that you never loved me
I know that you did
'Cause you said it and you wrote it down
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt form you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
Sitting in restaurants
Thought we were so grown up
But I know now that we were not the people
That we turned out to be
Chatting on the phone
Can't take back those hours
But I won't regret
'Cause you can grow flowers
From where dirt used to be
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
Dancing at discos
Eating cheese on toast
Yeah you make me merry make me very very happy
But you obviously, you didn't want to stick around
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
So I learnt from you
Do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone, yeah
I can watch a sunset on my own
I can be alone
I can watch a sunset on my own
(do do do da do do do do do da do do do do do da do)