Try it!

1. Put your music player on shuffle
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song title as the answer to the questions, even if it doesn't make sense


• How are you feeling today?
Take me out (Franz Ferdinand)

• How do your friends see you?
So long sweet summer (Dashboard Confessionals)

• Will you get married?
You are beautiful (James Blunt)

• What is your best friend's theme song?
Conquering America (Bodies without organs)

• What is the story of your life?
Ingen vill veta var du köpt din tröja (Raymond och Maria)

• What was high school like?
Jenny (The Killers)

• How can you get ahead in life?
I got you babe (UB40)

• What is the best thing about your friends?
Smoke on the water (Deep Purple)

• What is tonight going to be like?
Plasticine (Placebo)

• What is in store for the remainder of this weekend?
Missing you (Big Dismal)

• What song describes you?
From Paris to Berlin (Infernal)

• To describe your grandparents?
Never again (Nickleback)

• How is your life going?
Without me (Eminem)

• What song will they play at your funeral?
Herz an herz (Blumchen)

• How does the world see you?
You raise me up (Josh Groban)

• Will you have a happy life?
Dilemma (Nelly feat. Kelly Rowland)

• What do your friends really think of you?
Body movin' (Beastie boys)

• Do people sectretly lust after you?
Av längtan till dig (Cajsa-Stina Åkerström, Åsa Jinder)

• How can I make myself happy?
Step up (Darin)

• What should you do with your life?
Red re wine (Bob Marley)

• Will you ever have children?
Cool (Gwen Stefani)

Postat av: Emily

Ja vissa gånger hade det varit bäst att aldrig få veta. (vissa gånger VÄLDIGT mycket mer än andra). finns ju faktiskt inget värre än att bli sårad av den man tycker om mest. inte sant? by the way, gillar din blogg. min är ju inte mycket att hurra för (..än! ;P)

Postat av: Anonym

fan va kul, måste testa

2006-11-18 @ 14:42:36
Postat av: Anonym

Vilken kul grej=) kanske snor den till min blogg..e d ok? haha..var hittade du den grejen? puss

2006-12-04 @ 18:19:30
Postat av: citrus

Sno på! (Jag är skyldig själv..) Det är väl meningen..! :D pussar

2006-12-04 @ 19:33:18

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